A tree is planted for every purchase

The Cyclic Journeys Forest represents all the trees planted by our company
thanks to your purchases of our products.

About the Forest

The Cyclic Journeys Forest is more than just a collection of trees; it's a testament to our commitment to the planet. In collaboration with Tree-Nation, we plant a tree for every product purchased, creating a tangible impact on global reforestation efforts.

Our forest serves a dual purpose: it helps offset our company's carbon footprint and allows you to be part of a larger environmental mission. You can explore the Cyclic Journeys Forest online and track its growth through Tree-Nation’s digital forest experience, knowing that each tree represents a step towards a greener future. 

Join us in nurturing this living, breathing symbol of our dedication to sustainability.

You're Involved

Global Purpose

Tree-Nation is involved in numerous reforestation projects around the world. From Brazil, to Madagascar, to Tanzania, the reach is global. By placing your purchase with Cyclic Journeys, you can feel good about the fact that the tree planted on your behalf is part of a meaningful reforestation project aligned with a specific purpose.

How It Works

Step 1:  You buy the Sustainable Cat Starter Kit.

Step 2:  An email is sent to you from Tree-Nation telling you that your tree is ready to be planted.

Step 3: Open the email and virtually plant your own tree in the Cyclic Journeys Digital Forest (No obligation though, because even if you don’t participate, we still plant a real tree in honor of your purchase.)

Step 4: Your tree is planted and you are now part of the solution, as we all combat deforestation and climate change on our planet together.

Now you can feel good about making a sustainable purchase for your kitty, that also comes with a side of tree planting for greater environmental impact.